Maintain a data analytics solution
Practice exam questions in this area will test your ability to connect to and explore various data sources. You might face scenarios requiring you to choose the best storage format—lakehouse, warehouse, or eventhouse—based on specific data needs. Questions will assess your understanding of data ingestion, accessing real-time data, and integrating OneLake to manage and optimize data workflows effectively.
Prepare Data
Questions will focus on applying data transformation techniques. Expect tasks that involve creating views, functions, and stored procedures, as well as enriching datasets with additional columns or tables. You'll encounter scenarios that test your ability to implement star schemas, resolve data quality issues, and perform operations like aggregation, joins, and data type conversions to prepare data for analysis.
Implement and manage semantic models
Practice questions will challenge you to query data using tools like Visual Query Editor, SQL, and KQL, focusing on selecting, filtering, and aggregating data accurately. You’ll be tested on your skills in building semantic models, implementing relationships, and writing DAX calculations. Additional scenarios might involve optimizing data performance, configuring refresh settings, and handling large-scale data models for reporting.